Family Travel Trends 2024: Survey among Little Travel Society Families
Family Travel Trends 2024: Survey among Little Travel Society Families
When do Little Travel families travel the most, do they tend to go to the sea, skiing or to a farm? Do they stay in a holiday home or a family hotel? And how much do they spend on the accomodation per average? In this blogpost you will learn about the travel plans of your followers in 2024.
Now that traveling is back on track after two difficult years, we wanted to know what Little Travel families have on their travel bucket list for 2024. We asked, for example, whether they will go to the beach or hiking, whether they prefer a holiday home or a family hotel. And how much they will be willing to invest in their accommodation and how they plan to save money on vacation in times of inflation?
End of August, we asked 2,028 of our Instagram followers about family trends for 2024 in an Instagram story. We asked our newsletter subscribers and Facebook followers the same questions (151 participants and 89 participants respectively). A total of 2,268 parents took part. Wow!
Before starting to present you the results we can already tell you two things: Bella Italia was mentioned most among all possible travel destinations and our Little Travel families have large families. But read yourself…
What makes Little Travel families special?
We wanted to know: How many kids do families bring with them on vacation on average and how old are they?
How many children travel with Little Travel families?
Little Travel families have more children than the German average.
57% have two children (cf.: on average in Germany, only 27% of households with children under 18 have two children, and in more than half of the families there is only one child under 18). Furthermore, 16% of the families who took place in our survey have 3 or more children (cf.: 8% of families on average in Germany have 3+ children). Therefore: Dear hosts, please plan the outlay of your rooms and offers not just for classic 1-2 kid families. Families with large children also want to spend their vacation at your place.
Families with children of all ages follow us
More than half of the respondents go on vacation with small children (52%). 35% of the Little Travel kids are school children. However, 12% of families also have teenagers in their family. Not only our Little Travel Society, but also our followers´children are getting older. Many of our followers discover us when they are planning their first trip with a baby. However, since the Little Travel Society has been around since the beginning of 2016, some of these babies have probably already grown into teenagers. We will learn from it! We will soon add more information for families with teens to our recommendations.
Family travel destinations for 2024 – Europe is very popular
Our families love our diverse continent. Most families (72% of respondents) will vacation in Europe next year. However, Germany also won’t be as empty as the classrooms during school holidays. Participations of our survey who named Europe as their travel destination will be vacationing in many different countries in Europe. As a single country, Germany will attract 13% of the holiday makers. 16% dare to go on a long-distance trip – after the pandemic, #wanderlust is back again.
Trending European travel destinations for Little Travel Society families in 2024
In 2024 Italy will be the absolute favorite country in this survey with 21%. The German-speaking South Tyrol in northern Italy was most frequently mentioned (4%). Sardinia and Tuscany followed a little behind.
France comes second. Corsica, Southern France and Brittany are the most popular French regions among Little Travel followers.
Not surprisingly, in Spain – third-placed country – the islands are in the lead: The Balearic Islands with Mallorca and Ibiza are at the top, followed by the Canary Islands with Tenerife and Co. On the mainland, Andalusia was mentioned most often.
Also in Greece, the islands such as Corfu, Crete and Rhodes are also most popular.
However, even if mediterranean travel destinations are in the top three places for Little Travel families, a lot of more northern regions are in high demand when planning vacations for 2024.
Germany and Austria follow in fourth and fifth place with a total of 11%.
7% will head up to Scandinavia and 2% to Britain next year.
In Germany, a stiff sea breeze is trend – the North Sea and the Baltic Sea were mentioned most often, especially Sylt. In addition, not only the popular holiday regions in the south of Germany are mentioned – Little Travel families actually like to go on holiday all over Germany. Also in Austria, all states are visited equally.
Which long-distance travel destinations will Little Travel families chose for 2024?
14% of the answers to the open question “Where will you vacation in 2024?” related to long-distance travel destinations. The most popular is by far the US – an easy and safe long-distance travel destination for families – followed by Thailand, South Africa, Mauritius and the Caribbean. Many other countries and regions were also mentioned, such as Costa Rica, Bali, Canada, Australia and other countries in Latin America.
Summer holidays and beyond school holidays (!) are most popular travel times
In Germany there are at least five school holidays every year. Therefore, we wanted to know from our families when they will be going on vacation next year. As expected, the six weeks of summer holidays are the favorite time of the year for a family vacation. But don´t worry – not everyone squeeze into Italian Riviera in August. Due to different school holiday periods in the German federal states, in 2024 there will always be some kid on summer holiday somewhere in Germany from June 20th to September 9th. 15% of Little Travel families prefer not to travel during school holidays when everything is more expensive and more crowded. However, Little Travel families are also out and about during other holiday seasons – Easter, Whitsun and autumn holidays are almost equally popular. With 6% of the answers, winter holidays are only important for real winter fans and especially families who love skiing.
Little Travel families are frequent travelers
More than half of the families surveyed plan to go on vacation at least once next year. More than a third even wants to travel two or three times in 2024. At least 7% are frequent travelers and will even go on vacation 4 times or more often. This is significantly more frequent than in a Statista survey from 2011 which was carried out among German families about traveling.
In 2024, a beach vacation will be at the top of the bucket list for Little Travel families
Beach vacation is by far the number one choice for 2024 for Little Travel families. And we understand why. Children are often real water lovers and can spend hours splashing around and building sandcastles. However, we also have many sporty families among our followers: active vacations (hiking, surfing, bike tours, yoga vacations, etc.) together with skiing vacations sum up to 26% of the answers. Surprisingly, city trips (11%) are even one percentage point ahead of farm holidays. Our Little Travel families know that a well-planned city trip can be a lot of fun with children.
Holiday homes and apartments will be more popular than hotels in 2024
60% of those surveyed said they wanted to stay in a holiday home or an apartment with catering in 2024, while 40% chose a hotel. We suppose that saving money is also a reason during times of inflation can also be a reason for this.
This is how much Little Travel families plan to spend for their accommodation
We wanted to know from our families how much they are willing to spend on a holiday home/a holiday apartment, an apartment with breakfast and a family hotel. The results surprised us a little.
The majority of those surveyed were prepared to dig deep into their pockets for a chic holiday home or holiday apartment: our followers were prepared to invest between €2,000 and €3,000 per week (but: on Instagram most people moved the slider close to €2,000, not €3,000).
Interestingly, the same result was obtained for an apartment with breakfast: €2,000 to €3,000 (on Instagram again with the slider mostly in the lower range of €2,000). Travel families don’t seem to be willing to spend significantly more on the breakfast option.
When it comes to family hotels that already include full board and all sorts of family offers, opinions differ greatly when it comes to spending money. This can also be due to the fact that family hotel offers can differ widely. Exactly a third of our families are willing to spend between €200 and €300 for a night in a family hotel. 24% want to invest less than €200 per night. But almost 40% are willing to spend between €300 and €600. 3% are even of the opinion that €700 and more would be okay for a good offer.
Saving money: going on vacation less often instead of foregoing fun during one´s stay
Current inflation does not make things easy for both hosts and traveling families. That’s why we wanted to know: What’s the preferred way for families to save on vacation? By far the most (30%) of those surveyed, prefer to reduce their number of vacations. Others prefer to save money by choosing a cheaper accommodation or looking for a cheaper travel destination. However, most families don’t want to miss out on the fun while they are on vacation. From given answers, very few people chose the option to save on food or excursions (12% each).
If you would like to click through all the survey charts, you can click on this link.
A hugh “thank you” goes to our followers who took part in this survey. A great, exciting, very diverse group of travel addicts are following us!
Yours Antonia (Foto: Lisa Handke)
Social Media and Content Manager
Vegan for beginners… A trend that is hard to ignore
Vegan for beginners… A trend that is hard to ignore
I just want to give you an insight into the world of the rapidly increasing number of meat reducers and meat avoiders and how you could cater to their needs in your business. In this article you will find facts, figures, tips and also a few recipes around the veganism trend.
Don’t worry, nobody has to justify himself/herself because he/she offers meat dishes, likes to eat meat himself/herself, produces his/her own bacon and cheese or goes hunting. I’m a vegan, but: I come in peace. As you will come across them more and more often I would just like to give you an insight into how you meet vegans needs if they are your guests. Especially among there is growing number of vegans – in Germany also due to the Militante Veganerin (over half a million followers on Tiktok, views of her videos on YouTube in the five-figure range). She is admired by many young people and feared by parents because the content of her videos leads to discussions at the cooking pot and dinner table. Vegans are still a minority, but more and more non-vegans are also interested in this lifestyle. Vegan lifestyle is a rising trend.
How many people are there in Germany who avoid food of animal origin?
According to the Veganz nutritional study from 2022, this is the situation in Germany:
3% are vegans,
7% vegetarian (according to a Statistika Survey among 23.500 Germans above 14 years in 2023 even 8,12 million people are vegetarians which is plus of 1,6 millions since 2020),
2% pescatarian
and even 31% are flexitarian.
Only 56.5 percent are still omnivorous. In addition, groups that limit meat consumption have been increasing rapidly for years. According to the study mentioned above, 57% of non-vegans would like to reduce their consumption of animal source food in the future. That’s probably what prompted the German burger chain “Peter Pane” to put a lot of money and time into developing meatless patties, which are now even on top of the menu.
It is also an interesting fact that Germany is number 1 in the world when it comes to new vegan product launches. German market for veggie foods is worth over 1.2 billion euros and is growing between 25% and 33% annually (click for source). Many of the vegan substitutes are also consumed by omnivores or people who only eat little meat. Just out of curiosity and because it’s “cool” to do so.

What are the different levels of meat abstinence?
- Flexitarians (the largest group): These people avoid meat most of the time, but occasionally treat themselves to high-quality organic meat. This means for you: Flexitarians do not feel like they are missing out if they’re served dishes without meat. On the contrary. They only want a small amount of meat in their diet and if they eat meat they make sure it is from species-appropriate husbandry. You don’t have to overload the menu with animal source food.•
- Further more, there are the pescatarians: They don’t eat meat, but they eat fish.•
- Ovo-lacto vegetarians are basically classic vegetarians: They don’t eat dead animals, but they eat products that come from animals such as eggs and dairy products.•
- Vegans: They don’t eat any animal source food products, including dairy products and eggs. Some vegans take it very seriously and, for example, don’t eat honey, which is produced by bees.
What is of animal origin even if you wouldn’t expect it at first glance?
Attention: Even If it is often not obvious at the first glance, some food and dishes are of animal origin. If you are aware of this and point out to your vegan that the beer or chocolate you offer is vegan, you will make him/her very happy. Examples of non-vegan or food that causes animal suffering:
- Chocolate usually contains milk.
- Gummy Bears/jelly babies: Gelatin is made by boiling pig skins, bones and connective tissue such as tendons, cartilage and ligaments in water.
- Coconut milk and products containing coconut milk from Thailand: In Thailand, chained monkeys are often used to collect coconuts from the trees.
- Some types of chips and bread: They contain pork bristles (L-cysteine (E920). Chips also often contain milk powder.
- Instant vegetable broth: Sometimes contains egg whites or beef fat.• Beer and fruit juices: Some beers are filtered through a fish bladder and some juices contain gelatin.

Personal tips and experiences – inside a vegan family
My family has a tradition of avoiding foods of animal origin. I have been a vegetarian since I was 13 (the result of a report about tethered pigs), my mother became a vegetarian at the same time and has remained so – for 3.5 decades. Two of my daughters have decided six months ago not only to eat a vegetarian diet (this was also their own decision after a visit to a farm), but to switch to vegan. I wasn’t enthusiastic at first because veganism is more complicated than vegetarianism. As a vegetarian, you simply leave out the meat and fish which is usually not a problem in restaurants these days. As vegans basically we had to turn into nutrition experts – what contains calcium? How to get enough proteins? And what about iron? – and cook completely new recipes. Luckily, we are real foodies and enjoy trying new dishes every day (if you ever have a question about vegan food or dishes, please feel free to contact me: Thus, at home we are able to manage, but sometimes it becomes challenging when traveling. However, my daughters’ arguments convinced me in the end. A list of reasons for veganism can be found here (if you are interested in this subject, you can use DeepL to translate this article).
Let’s continue with practical tips so that you can also make vegans happy in your restaurant or at breakfast. Because non-vegan guests often benefit from it, too.

What vegans don’t like
- Pasta with tomato sauce, fries and jam on dry bread every day. Pasta with tomato sauce is lovely, but not every day. Above all, vegans also need proteins and calcium. Believe me, after a week in Italy we have a surplus of carbohydrates and are very keen on tofu, soy yoghurt, oat milk and wheat protein (this is what the meat substitute “Beyond Meat” is made of).
- “Just leaving out the cheese” from a dish is not a good idea. Because the dish usually doesn’t taste good. Many vegans are also foodies (like us) and if an element is missing from a composition, it usually tastes bland.•
- Thai curry in Greece. That just doesn’t fit and usually doesn’t taste particularly Thai. It’s true that most vegans eat a lot of Asian food, as Asian cuisine offers a lot of vegan dishes. However, as vegans are usually good cooks – out of necessity – they will therefore sometimes conjure up a better Asian menu than the Greek chef (no offense!). Therefore: It will be much more appreciated if you veganize traditional dishes or put local dishes on the menu that are vegan anyway.
- Only offering one vegan dish on the menu. Vegans also don’t like some plant-based foods. For example, I don’t like beetroot, but chefs seem to think that a vegan dish always has to contain beetroot. Vegan is inclusive: All the other meat reducers (almost half of the population in Germany now) will be happy about a vegan dish. Therefore, 2-3 dishes without animal products on the menu will surely not cause any problems for other guests ( on example during Munich Oktoberfest 2023: The Ochsenbraterei (!) had 5 vegan dishes at the top of their menu – all of the dishes super Bavarian).

What makes vegans happy
On the breakfast buffet:
A vegan waffle batter without eggs and milk (there are great substitute products – e.g. oat milk or egg substitute made from chickpeas – which be found in every well-stocked supermarket). Nice side effect: Lactose intolerant people will also benefit.
Vegan spreads with lentils or beans, olive paste, vegan chocolate spread (in Germany “Rapunzel Nougat Crème” is by far the best! Better than Nutella), guacamole, hummus, vegan butter. Curd can be easily replaced with curd alternatives from soy. To be honest – most of them don´t taste particularly nice without spices, but with a little “treatment” it tastes so deceptively real that no one will notice the difference: curd substitute, a little garlic, salt, lots of lemon, pepper and fresh herbs. Ready.
Vegan scrambled eggs: Simply use all the ingredients that you normally use for your scrambled eggs, but instead of eggs use silken tofu with a little kala namak (black salt, which smells and tastes sulfurous) and turmeric. o Cakes and muffins: Several times non-vegans asked me for these two recipes because they simple and incredibly delicious. Mostly it wasn´t even noticed that they are were vegan cakes: lemon cake (I add 3 teaspoons of poppy seeds and decorate with edible flowers) and blueberry crumble muffins (again you can use DeepL to translate the recipe).

Chocolates: Yes, they cost a fortune, but they are by far the best chocolates I’ve ever tasted. And I mean ALL chocolates, whether vegan or non-vegan. The shop Das Bernsteinzimmer produces all of its chocolates by hand, is a completely social and sustainable company and the sweet particles are breathtaking! Even just one would certainly make every guest – whether vegan or not – happy. The chocalates are produced in Germany, but they also ship to other countries like Austria, Denmark, the Netherlands, Luxembourg or France.

Traditional dishes without substitute products that have always been vegan: A great recipe book with recipes from all over the world is the book “immer schon vegan (always vegan)” (unfortunately there exists no English translation – if anyone knows an English counterpart, I would be happy to know about it). From Spanish gazpacho to Italian pizza marinara and to the French artichoke, you will find many vegan dishes in that book (also from your home country) that you wouldn’t even think of at first. Because: Many old recipes do not contain animal products because they were not always everywhere available.

Traditional dishes in a vegan version: Nowadays there is a vegan recipe alternative for almost every dish. Vegans usually don’t eat meat because they don’t like it, but because they do not want animals to suffer. Be it Kötabuller, Christmas goose or apple strudel. A great link is this one, this one, this one or this one (“vegane Wunder” also runs an Instagram account with simple recipes and a great recipe book, unfortunately I don’t know any English vegan influencers, but I found a list of vegan influencers here.). And sometimes a dish can quickly become vegan with a small adjustment, such as risotto, where the Parmesan can be replaced with a vegan Parmesan alternative. Also interesting: Among dairy ice creams, lemon and mango are usually vegan.

Collect a few restaurant ideas for vegan guests or point out to vegans specialties of your country that are vegan. There are vegan dishes in every culture, believe me! You just have to think a little. For example, we would never have ordered pizza marinara. To us it sounded seafood-y, but it’s a vegan Italian pizza (thanks, Francesca from San Giorgio Resort!). Spaghetti Al’ Assassinata is now also one of our favourites in Italy. And there are probably restaurants in your area that offer at least a few vegan options – sometimes even “by accident” (Happy Cow is a good source for traveling vegans. Who knows, maybe you will soon be recommended by a vegan on this webpage;-).

I hope I was able to give you some inspiration for vegan dishes and take away your fear of “these difficult vegans”. Most of them are quite nice, do not mind if someone eats a piece of meat next to them, and are really grateful if you cater to their needs. With this in mind: bon appetit!

Vegan für Anfänger… Ein Trend, der kaum mehr zu ignorieren ist
Ich möchte Euch nur einen Einblick geben in die Welt der rasant zunehmenden Fleischreduzierer und -vermeider und wie Ihr diesen in Eurem Betrieb gerecht werden könntet. Ihr findet in diesem Artikel Zahlen, Fakten, Tipps und auch ein paar Rezepte zum Trend Veganismus.